August 2025 Admissions
for the
MSS Program in Transcendent Leadership
PTS will open the application process in 2025 for the upcoming Year One Cohort of the Master's Program in Transcendent Leadership. Our newest Year One cohort will begin with orientation the weekend of August 23-24, 2025. (The full calendar of MSS TL weekend gatherings is available here.)
Applicants will hear back from the admissions committee within one week of being told your submitted application is complete.
Application for Admission
The Transcendent Leadership application process has two parts—each part invites you to share about your readiness to begin the program and your intention for your journey in the master’s program in transcendent leadership.
Part 1 of the application begins when you login to (see link below) and click on the MSS TL application link, which you will find at the top of the left sidebar if you meet the prerequisites for the program. You will respond to some brief inspirational prompts and will pay the non-refundable application fee. (Part 1 can be completed in about 10 minutes.)
We invite you to respond to these prompts or questions as though you are sharing in a live PTS class—be present in the moment, center yourself in your heart, be spontaneous, be yourself, be succinct—and respond with whatever comes to you in that moment.
When you complete your brief responses to the prompts, you will hit submit and will be charged the $50 non-refundable application fee. This will enroll you in a course page in our PTS Wisdom site, called MSS TL Application, where you will complete Part 2 of the application process. To find this course page, click on “Courses” in the same left sidebar.
Part 2 of the application invites you to share three written items, which you will write and upload as Word or pdf files. The information you enter will be saved in this PTS Wisdom space as you upload each document file. This part of the application will be visible to you under the section called “Courses,” which allows you to complete the application at any time by returning to the application page. (Part 2 can be completed in a few minutes once you have written the essays and are ready to upload them.)
Completing the application form includes uploading three short written components as PDF or Word files. You may wish to prepare these items before beginning the application. The three application files are: [1] a résumé (or list) that documents your educational and professional history; [2] a personal statement of intention; and [3] a sample of your reflective writing.
Informational Sessions: The TL Faculty and graduates of the MSS TL Program are hosting a series of open conversations about the upcoming master’s program via Zoom.
Attend one of these informational sessions or contact us for other opportunities to learn more about how PTS’s transcendent leadership experience may be just what you’re looking for.
To be announced in 2025.
Please contact us at for the Zoom link. Recordings of recently completed info sessions are also available.
“Truly about living the abundance of Soul Transcendence in my everyday life, I am profoundly grateful for having chosen this program.”
Start Your Application
to the MSS TL Program
Thank you for your interest in the MSS in Transcendent Leadership offered by Peace Theological Seminary & College of Philosophy.
Please click on the photo of John-Roger below, which will take you to our PTS Wisdom website. Log in using the user name and password that was provided to you by PTS. (If you forgot your log-in information, click on the words “Contact Us” for support. If you are new to MSIA, please email .)
Once you have logged in to, you will see Graduate Program Applications on the left sidebar; click on MSS TL.
The link to the MSS TL application will be visible to all PTS students who meet the prerequisites of PTS’s MSS programs: Active subscription to Soul Awareness Teachings (SATs) and a current subscription to or completion of the 12 years of Soul Awareness Discourses.
Follow the instructions provided for you as you complete the application to the MSS TL Program.
“True leadership consists first and foremost in being led. This conception involves a profound paradox. True leaders are not in an important sense initiators; rather, they are chiefly responders to the divine will. This means that the chief determinant of authentic leadership is not human talent, but availability to the Divine. The only authentic leadership is fellowship with the Divine. When leadership ceases to be Spirit-led, it ceases to be authentic. ”