Our Essence
pts mss program in Transcendent Leadership
Purpose/Intention of the Program
The intention for the Transcendent Leadership program is to awaken and strengthen the transcendent leader consciousness in each of us by focusing on a direct experience of spirit, practicing being spirit- or soul-led, and living with an intentional focus on presence, living love, and a growing awareness of the divinity of the soul and transcendence. With a focus on enhancing awareness of soul or spirit, we aim to develop proficiency in bringing our presence and actions into alignment and harmony with our spiritual purpose and understanding. This focus opens and facilitates our ability to lead, not from the personality, but as instruments of spirit’s purpose.
John-Roger defined soul transcendence as becoming aware of yourself as a soul and as one with God. When we live in a way that our actions and presence are in harmony with that awareness of soul and the divine, we are leading a life of soul transcendence.
This program is specifically designed to facilitate an ongoing connection among a community or cohort of learners (students and faculty) with a variety of opportunities to enhance learning and growth and to support each of us in our own direct experience of divinity and living love. The relationships among those in each cohort are a central part of the learning experience.
Like other programs in J-R’s organizations, the foundation of this program is those spiritual truths that have been presented through the teachings of John-Roger through soul awareness discourses and other materials. The TL program adds another dimension to the PTS experience through profound coursework that highlights these universal truths of spirit, connecting the knowledge that was shared by John-Roger with the works of others throughout time and across cultures and traditions, in ways that are personal, practical, and scholarly. Among these universal teachings are a commitment to following spirit’s direction, seeing the divinity in all, trusting the perfection of all, and living love.
The TL faculty share the perspective that all of the J-R programs and organizations present paths that hold an intention for the same end goals—personal and soul transcendence. The individual emphasis within each path differs, which creates an amazing bounty of ways for people to connect, in as many ways as they want to, in the ways that speak to them and call to their hearts. Our work in MSIA and PTS is to make the teachings of soul transcendence available to those who are looking for them; the TL faculty hold as our work sharing these spiritual truths in an open, integrative, connected, and scholarly way.
Everyone! We believe that every one of us is a leader—we each lead by modeling or demonstrating our own values and beliefs. Leadership is how we show up in the world. Transcendent leadership is showing up in a way that radiates living love and awareness of soul and the divine in all.
Those who currently or plan to serve in a leadership role in a business, organization, family, or community setting can focus on ways to integrate their spiritual beliefs with their work, building a transcendent leadership culture in the workplace, home, community, and so on.
Those who have been initiates in MSIA for many years and those who are studying toward initiation will be supported in their personal process and experience of building greater awareness of spirit in our lives and attunement to spirit’s direction.
Anyone can benefit from the program, which supports us as we work in any setting to align and harmonize our actions and presence with our awareness of divinity and soul.
Enrollment REquirements
The TL program is for students in MSIA who are initiates of the Sound Current or studying toward initiation. Students must be active subscribers to MSIA Soul Awareness Discourses (or have a current SAT subscription after having completed discourse #144). Students who are new to MSIA and PTS or someone involved for many years will find value in this program, which is designed to support each of us as we reflect on where we are in our own awareness about transcendent leadership and move forward/upward in our growth and learning.
Those who hold a bachelor's degree can earn the MSS in Transcendent Leadership. Those without a bachelor's degree can earn a certificate of completion. Courses and requirements are the same in either case.
In reviewing applications, the faculty are looking for applicants to the program who demonstrate: [1] a commitment to personal learning and growth through actively practicing those things that open our hearts and communicate our living love; [2] dedication to spiritual learning and growth through a meaningful and active spiritual practice; and [3] an interest in learning and growth through reading and writing about soul- or spirit-led leadership.
What is involved? / How does it work?
This program is considered a distance learning program that uses blended learning methods to create and support an engaged and dynamic cohort-learning experience. The majority of the work is done in one's own place of residence or from anywhere in the world you may be. There is a live, interactive orientation immediately prior to the student’s first semester of enrollment and interactive gatherings that take place in real time through each semester—the orientation and gatherings take place by video call.
The program utilizes cohort-based learning to ensure student success and connection through the strength of loving relationship with fellow travelers. It is designed specifically to build loving, supportive community among the participants—students and faculty. It is highly engaged and interactive.
The program uses a dynamic blended-learning model, which includes:
highly interactive online discussions and learning experiences where students and faculty are connected in dialogue throughout the semester in the PTS Wisdom School classrooms (these activities are called asynchronous, as they allow each learner to participate in her or his own timing and location);
regularly scheduled video conference calls with the faculty and cohort (these activities are called synchronous, as all participants are connected at the same time using internet technology);
small group work through a Transcendent Leader Circle (these may be face to face or use internet-based video conferencing technology); and
regularly scheduled gatherings where students and faculty connect live in real time to share in the learning and experiences.
Gathering Requirements for the Distance Program
2-day orientation via Zoom video conference call in August of the year you start the program
2-day gathering via Zoom video conference call every four-five weeks during each semester (8 times per year)
The MSS Program in Transcendent Leadership is designed to meet each participant exactly where we are in our spiritual work and journey. It is here to support us in deepening our awareness of spirit in every breath, heightening our spiritual attunement, striving for always greater levels of alignment and harmony with the divine, and acting in ways that demonstrate our awareness of and devotion to the soul in each person.
The resources and activities presented in the coursework are specifically chosen by spirit, curated by a team of twelve faculty members who are ministers and initiates in MSIA, in order to encourage, inspire, and support living the teachings and leading a life of soul awareness and transcendence.
Participation requirements ask each student to engage on a weekly basis, in each of three courses offered during the semester, in whatever way best serves their learning, growth, and upliftment. The workload then is up to each student.
“Travelers throughout the ages have been planting seeds for the artistry of this powerful and transformational program.”
The intention of the faculty in designing and presenting each course in the MSS program in Transcendent Leadership is to provide an opportunity to integrate the beauty, grace, and practical spirituality of the PTS mystery school experience with a scholarly approach to spiritual study that connects the teachings of John-Roger and John Morton with our experiences and with other works on spiritual concepts and truths.
In our classes we refer to this approach to inquiry and reflection as scholarly goodness. In the program, students gain experience with practices such as collaborative inquiry, integrative learning, and reflexive or transformative learning. When we speak of scholarly goodness or inquiry, we are referring to the value (the good) that is gained from critical thinking and a curious, open approach to learning. In this way we integrate our church's teachings with the works of other spiritual teachers, philosophers, artists, scientists, poets, community or business leaders, and so on. The program is scholarly in a creative and personally meaningful way.
Participation includes engaging with weekly activities presented by the faculty in each of three courses. Students choose which resources or activities, and how many in each course. Course activities include reading, writing reflective responses to media or text, engaging in supportive conversations with your peers via video call, and more. Resources include talks, stories, videos, articles, books, and other works by a variety of different people with a focus on loving, spirit, and leadership. All course resources and activities are presented by the faculty and chosen by each student to provide a deep and meaningful connection to one's own learning, growth, and upliftment along this transcendent journey.
The program is also designed so that someone who wanted to, could choose to complete it as a traditional graduate-level (master's) scholarly program, by engaging with all of the activities and resources presented in each course.
Because of this flexibility built into the design of the program, students can expect their participation to take 2 to 20 hours per week of their time. It’s designed to be the kind of learning that is easily integrated into one’s current life and work. And of course it can be completed entirely from wherever you are at the moment.
Students may find that the spiritual transcendent work begins as soon as the choice is made to apply to the program, and calls you forward to your greatest level of intention, commitment, and devotion to your soul’s journey. And that can take place in every minute, every breath, for as long as we choose.
Details and Application Process
Navigate through this website for the full coursework, faculty information, calendars, and tuition.
To apply go to www.transcendentleader.org and click on the application button at the bottom of every page, including this one. Fill in your contact information and the application will come up.
In order to support our community and spirit's timing, we will continue accepting applications as late as we can, with the understanding that attendance at orientation is required.
You may contact us at transcendentleader@pts.org or call Joanie at (323) 328-1955.