This place. This blessed moment to be in this blessed place.
It takes courage to cultivate beauty, presence and loving in the ordinariness of daily life. Or a willful drive to master and balance challenges of extraordinary circumstances, perhaps to step even higher into unknown opportunities that await. Or soulfully, patiently wait for spiritual mysteries to reveal their promise…
Unfolding in place. This place. Your place.
Think about being in place, wherever you are, right now. And simultaneously being in conversation with an intimate group of like-minded souls who are calling themselves forward into a reflective, educational journey of transcendent leadership. Perhaps those folks are your spiritual family from MSIA, perhaps they are your colleagues from work, or friends from down the street.
And now imagine that’s happening in towns, and cities and locations world-wide.
Peacefully, gracefully the soul’s transcendent longing, allowing the lead; and fully present in fulfilling that longing, the soul’s lead, while in place. While lifting this place. Assuming the spiritual promise for us all, with deeper love, stronger leadership, higher dreams.
Could it be that this place was seeded to transform you, and I, and all of us into our transcendent nature? Into our loving? Could it be that we dwell in the place of our spiritual promise?
Peace Theological Seminary and college of philosophy is offering a NEW two-year masters degree program in Transcendent Leadership. Classes start in August of 2018.
By Karen Faherty