“There’s great value when even one of us is directing our energy towards the Soul. There’s an even greater value when more than one of us is doing that. If all of us are doing it, it becomes miraculous as a transcendent experience entirely of the nature of the Soul.”
Leading a Life of Soul Transcendence
John-Roger defines soul transcendence as becoming aware of yourself and others as soul and as one with God. Each of us demonstrates who we are in the way we show up in the world—this is leadership.
Transcendent leadership is leading a life of soul transcendence.
being aware of the divinity in and around us
being attuned to the divine presence of that which is
living and leading our lives in alignment and harmony with deep spiritual awareness and attunement
You take it on like soul transcendence.
The work of the MSS and DSS Programs in Transcendent Leadership at PTS primarily takes place in spirit. The leading focus is on attuning to spirit and living a life in harmony with soul transcendence. The TL programs also provides a space for reflective inquiry, an approach to spiritual study that connects the teachings of John-Roger and John Morton with other spiritual teachings and experiences. The coursework is designed to engage students in active learning, reflective inquiry, and the mastery of listening to the wisdom of our soul.
The two-year MSS Program in Transcendent Leadership takes place over two sixteen-week semesters each year, which are facilitated by graduate facilitators in collaboration with the TL Faculty.
The three-year DSS Program in Transcendent Leadership is curated by faculty members who have a dedicated spiritual practice through MSIA and who hold advanced degrees and have practiced in the fields of business, law, psychology, fine arts, literature, anthropology, and other areas.
Each program is offered in a format that combines personal inquiry and deep connection with a small cohort of peers for an opportunity to deepen personal awareness, attunement, and alignment with the divine presence and lead our lives with active awareness that, as French philosopher and mystic Teilhard de Chardin states, “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.”
This is leading a life of soul transcendence. The TL programs are here to awaken and then deepen this transcendent leader consciousness in each of us and provide active and engaged peer support for expanding in this way of being.
We invite you to dive deep into the field of learning and leadership for the soul’s transcendence.
“What we’re dealing with is the highest level of what leads us, guides us, directs us.
That’s why the Transcendent Leadership class in and of itself is very exciting.
You take it on like Soul Transcendence.”

what is
Transcendent Leadership?
The transcendent leader is aware of the perfection of each soul’s journey, honors the spiritual truths of unconditional loving, is attuned to spirit’s direction through a deep and meaningful spiritual practice, and dedicates her life to service for the highest good of all. Transcendent leadership is a way of being—a consciousness of awareness and attunement to the soul—that when lived can inspire and call forward the same dedication in others.
Transcendent Leaders
share their experience
A Message from the TL Cohort
A Message from our global cohort of students
A Message from the traveler
Anywhere in the world
Take part from where you live through cohort-based learning and web-enhanced support. A small group of students from around the world enrolls each year to work both independently in their own homes, as well as work closely together in small and larger groups, using internet-based technology.
Using web-based video conferencing, students and faculty have the opportunity to come together in our solarium at different times throughout each day to call in the light and do spiritual experiences together. Students meet in small groups by video call to do activities and support each other in their learning, growth, and upliftment. The entire cohort comes together once a month for a powerful check in and love-fest.
Using the PTS Wisdom online learning platform, students participate in three courses each semester. The course site provides access to many resources and activities. Students and faculty move through the semester’s learning and communicate with written reflections and engaging discussions.
The crown jewel of each semester is our live, interactive gatherings where the cohort of students and the TL faculty come together in real time for learning, sharing, playing, and experiencing together the beautiful transcendent energy of this mystery school.
Each gathering includes unforgettable time with John Morton, the spiritual director of PTS. Other guest speakers have brought forward powerful perspectives on what it means to live a soul-led life, including: David Allen, Leslie Boyer, Marcos Cajina, Vincent Dupont, Ron Hulnick, Carol Jones, Paul Kaye, Cheryl Mathieu, David Stern, Charlie Verge, Robert Waterman, and Leigh Taylor Young. The gatherings also provide time to work on each of the semester’s three courses, including student presentations on their transcendent learning. And of course, there is plenty of time for loving, getting to know each other, eating, dancing, and experiencing the divine in it all.

Traits of a
by Dr. Gregory Stebbins, Advisor to the TL Faculty
Transcendent leaders rise above or go beyond the limits of self, moving into Self. They triumph over the limitations of what might be considered acceptable or possible. The small “self” operates from a limiting exclusive focus on scarcity. Transcendent leadership operates from “Self,” precipitating an unbounded, inclusive focus on abundance.
Within all leaders is an inner wisdom. Quieting the self allows the voice of the leader’s Self to emerge. Transcendent leaders demonstrate multidimensional awareness. The more open the leader’s consciousness is to awareness at all levels, the more impact he or she will have on their outer environment. Being leads doing.
Unconditional acceptance is not acquiescing. Many interpersonal conflicts revolve around value differences and behavioral choices. One person, because of culture or how they were raised, might have a very different value hierarchy than another. These differences can create values conflicts when the individuals move into “right or wrong.” Cultural wars happen inside large organizations because of value differences.
Transcendent leaders choose to accept, but not necessarily agree with, the value differences of others without labeling the person as right or wrong. They still make a choice as to what values guide their organization.
Reverence for another shapes how the transcendent leader views all stakeholders. Reverence, following the Greek definition, is a state of awe for another Self. When you reach deeply into your Self, you are reaching into the very spirit of being human. This essence reflects our depth of consciousness and we gain wisdom about our interconnectedness.
Transcendent leaders have a responsibility to embody and teach reverence within their organization.
Most leaders have so much going on that they are distracted when they could be practicing deep listening while in dialogue with another. As psychologist Carl Rogers described it, you are listening from a place of unconditional positive regard, deep listening strengthens your capacity to connect with your essence and the essence of others you work with.
Being present opens the leader to have a greater understanding of diverse experiences.
Courage, coming from the heart, guides us to suspend disbelief, and to let go of old identities and definitions of “us versus them.” Courage allows a leader to hold to the conviction of Self. It takes great courage to reflect on our experiences that the small self may have judged as good or bad. In many organizations, judgment causes experiences to be swept under the rug and any subsequent learning available to all stakeholders is overlooked.
Transcendent leaders facilitate the opening process within and between stakeholders. Choosing not to label — an act of courage — allows them to see growth opportunities that others cannot.
Operating from a consciousness of service, transcendent leaders bring the wisdom of showing appreciation for Self and all stakeholders. Gratitude is derived from the word “grace.” Living in a state of grace or gratitude extends past positive thinking and increases the optimism, compassion and energy within an organization.
Transcendent leaders use Self-compassion and compassion for another to unlock the doorway to wisdom.
Highest Good
A major challenge faced by all transcendent leaders is to operate from a consciousness of the “highest good of all concerned.”
Becoming a transcendent leader often requires revising traditionally held beliefs and practices. This is not only possible and practical; it is proven to be highly beneficial, and perhaps is even required to meet the imperative laid out at Davos in 2007.
“When we flow with Spirit’s direction, available to receiving new information, we are vulnerable and humble to the highest truth for the good of all. ”