Following the Inner Guidance of Spirit, by Christine Cielo Guilland

I can feel shy at times and the title Transcendent Leadership might normally have me running in the opposite direction. Ha! But something Leigh Taylor-Young said on a Blessing This Day really caught my attention. She described transcendent leadership as learning to follow the inner guidance of Spirit. Wow. I had never heard that before and I certainly wanted more.

From the moment I signed up for PTS’s Transcendent Leadership (TL) Program, it’s been like stepping onto a magic carpet ride. The faculty has been amazing. They have created a space so beautiful, so Spirit filled, and so profoundly rich and overflowing with opportunities to awaken more. A space to deepen my awareness and my loving. I have felt so safe to be myself and share even my soft underbelly. What a great decision I made when I chose into this TL program.

I am absolutely loving my experience. Learning and growing and witnessing the growth in others. What an honor. What else can I say… if I could squeal like a piglet wanting more avocado, I would. It’s that good!

John Morton and Leigh have both generously spent time with our Cohort of TL learners. It’s been sublime! Part of my learning is to relax and receive of all that is being offered. It is such a gift. The other guest speakers have also been nothing less than phenomenal. The wisdom they have shared in such simple, practical tools, have already started transforming my life. What surprised me though, was every guest speaker has been full of a delightful, childlike sense of humor. The joy has been palpable. I’ve heard God likes to hang out with the fun people, so I know I’m in a good place.

I work full time and still have kids at home, so the Zoom residencies (our monthly weekend gatherings) have allowed me to participate in this program. I have never taken a Zoom class before and it has been remarkably simple to learn. The Dean of the program, Joanie Clingan, has devoted herself to helping each of the participants succeed. She is such a shining example of transcendent leadership! With the love and support of all of the staff and faculty, we have a beautiful group of 37 participants that gather every month from all around the world for our Zoom residency.

For me, becoming a transcendent leader will likely include trying on some new hats. I am letting go of any judgments, shame, or trying to hide that I do not know something and whole-heartedly embracing my transcendent learner. I am excited and open for what Spirit has for me to learn and grow. Sometimes I think, wow, I have been around MSIA for many years now and have taken so many beautiful trainings, and I’m still working on the fundamentals of who I truly am? YES! This program has invited me on an exploration of my multidimensional consciousness. I am venturing into unfamiliar territory inside.

I recognize how often I have pushed myself through life. Over helping. Trying to be what I think others want me to be. This is exhausting and not a game I want to play anymore. However, trying to change a pattern can feel like being on a gerbil wheel. Lots of movement but no real progress. Ha! This TL Program is a unique experience and is supporting me in making shifts inside. It has felt like being in the middle of a battlefield but instead of bombs going off, there have been awarenesses exploding all around me. Things are shaking loose. As I am attuning to myself in new ways and looking through the loving eyes of my transcendent leader, I am finally ready to claim… that I am enough.

What would happen if I just relax and surrender? Trusting Spirit. Trusting the process. Simply giving myself permission to be. And when I look in the mirror, all I see is love looking back at me. There is something very special going on here. PTS’s TL program is magical, like the divine working inside of a chrysalis, where everything is being transfigured from a soupy mix into something quite spectacular. I say, let it be me (us) Lord, to fully awaken to the Christ Consciousness within and emerge as a beautiful butterfly, in the form of my true self.

Joanie Clingan