Transcendent Leadership Faculty Retreat--Sharing with John Morton, By the Program Faculty

In March 2018 faculty members of PTS’s new MSS Program in Transcendent Leadership came together for a working retreat. The time together was filled with blessings, including the beautiful gift of time with our Beloved Traveler, John Morton.

John asked us to share what brings us here today. He said he was wide open and so were we. Here is our collective response to John.

I’m happy to be here. I feel that what we are doing is already done and we are just finding it. It exists and our job, my job, is to be in relationship to Transcendent Leadership—that consciousness within me—and see how it works through me. I’m here because I’m called to be here. In my last conversation with J-R he asked me if I was a teacher and I said “Yes” and he said “Good.” So I’ve been looking for ways to be in this environment.

In gathering together here and in our video meetings I find that this is something I’ve dreamed of: To come together in this way of spirit-led work. To have the gift of starting something new. To be free of the lenses of the past in a way. I’m overjoyed to get to do this with all of you and to find out what happens when we come together in this way. To me it’s a universal adventure. It’s not just about this two years in transcendent leadership, not just this master’s program, it’s about everything. It’s about the relationship to spirit and to practice asking “What would love do?” and then finding out what that is and having the joy of sharing it with everybody. I’m here because there’s nowhere else I’d rather be. I’m here in a way I’ve always wanted to be so that I can move away the things that would be in the way. So I can be all here. My wife and I call that being all in.

I feel that I’m called to be here. I find myself joining and then pulling out and then finding another way to be a part of this and then being called back in. I’m looking for my place to take leadership—in the loving and in the light. I’m working to organize my life so I can do more of this. I love to teach. I love this group of people. I love you. I love you and this Movement. I love being here. There’s a piece of this that is about leading into the light and handling my life, making more room in my life for that—that’s where I find I am right now.

I say yes inside. I didn’t necessarily know what that looked like from the beginning. I’m here to listen within and to participate in any way I can. I find myself stepping up more in that. I love that point of receiving the information, that moment of grace, of loving, of spirit. I love being very clear and present with what’s in that loving, so I’m here with all of you and I’m grateful. This is fun! It’s uplifting and joyful. I’m here to share in the loving. Besides, I love an adventure. I love what you said in the beginning, John, about just getting started. It’s a new beginning. I like the idea of allowing past education to fall away and being present now with what is. I’m grateful for that.

The opening has been momentous since I made the decision inside my consciousness. Part of what has opened for me in recent months is layers and waves of being more connected with loving. Layers and levels that are like endless waves of loving. As I was reading our program yesterday I was astonished at how much loving and how present loving was in the curriculum of this program. I’m very grateful for that and I open to discover further those higher levels of loving.

Yes. I’m here. You know how sometimes when we call in the light we ask the light to extend down to the center of the Earth and anchor there? I’m all for that. I’m standing in that and holding for that. I’m glad to be able to do that with you all and share from that place, so we can be connected in it and trust that it is here on purpose and in spirit’s awesomeness and timing.

My first answer, John, when you asked what brought me here was “You.” And I look around and see that it is each of you. This group is such a blessing. I absolutely know in my heart that the thing that brought me here is beyond anything I understand. Spirit brought me. I know that J-R planted the seeds for this many years ago. Spirit has known that this was going to happen, with this group of people for a very long time. I feel like I opened a door, went in, and said “Oh my! This is what I get to do??!” I’m thrilled and I’m doing my very best to let my heart lead and keep my head out of the way (as much as it can be in an academic program) and let spirit do what it’s going to do.

This morning a group of us went downtown and joined the March for Our Lives. We stood with the kids, and my goodness, they were so beautiful and there’s so much hope. They are our transcendent leaders. They are our future. It was powerful to be there and bring our energy and our light into this and plant light columns. They are what we get to say yes to.

I get how much you get this, John, and I am so grateful that you recognize that on all levels we have the opportunity to bring forward something that J-R wanted very much. I’m blown away that J-R said, “Are you a teacher?” I believe that at some point he just laid it all out and lined us all up. I’m grateful to be part of it. There’s nowhere else I could be. I’m absolutely blown away by this journey.

What’s true for me is in my life I’ve looked for ways to have fun and, given the amount of laughter that took place last night, this is going to be a lot of fun. We’ve got some serious work ahead of us and some serious business turning the focus of the planet to loving. I think this group is more than capable of it and I certainly know that we’ll have a lot of fun doing it.

When Greg and Joanie first reached out to me and throughout these last few months, the answer remains the same—the reason I am here is to be of service however that shows up. Even if it means taking on something I’ve never done, I know that my heart will be in it. It is truly a blessing to be with this amazing group of people and share this journey. That is what it feels like to me, another step on my journey. I have the vision of us standing on the shoulders of those who’ve come before us, but also standing with our arms around those who’ve come before us as well as all of these people here. It’s part of the opportunity, I think, to bring unity and wholeness and so I thank you all for that.

I’m here for loving. I’m here for showing up. One of the ways I experienced that the traveler touched me as a younger person was when I was playing softball. The coach wasn’t playing me and I asked to play. The coach said, “I keep you available as my utility player because I know I can put you anywhere on the field and you’ll get the job done.” That’s how I see us and I want to step up to that. I want to speak to that part in my consciousness that still needs to be worked, that can be lifted, that hesitates, that holds back, and open freely to share the joy of the song of my heart. The song that brings me here and the cadences of living love so that they are with all of us.

What brings me here is that same thing that breathes me. I feel my life is a collection of serendipitous and perfectly timed accidents and this may be one of them. I feel that for me there’s always been this choosing inside of me. I’ve chosen this path because I’ve fallen before and choosing back into it there’s this intensity like nothing’s going to come between me and that. Why am I here? I’m here because J-R is here and I want to be where J-R is. And now in my relationship with you, I can say I want to be where John is. It’s a very simple answer—consciousness has this simplicity to it. I don’t really have a lot of the pomp and circumstance other than I want to be where you’re at and follow that energy into the truth that I am so that I could somehow know myself and the infiniteness that’s in me, through the infiniteness that I see in you and your eyes. I’m here to know me and I’m here to know every molecule in every universe. If I can love me and make me more whole, then somehow that wholeness reverberates through all existence. It’s this simultaneous thing; I’m loving you, loving me, loving us. I’m here at the pleasure of the Traveler.

We invite you now to read the article by John Morton and hear what he had to share with this group about Transcendent Leadership.

Or visit to start your application today.

Joanie Clingan